안녕하세요 21세기문방구 오신것을 환영합니다!

여러분 잘들 지내고 계신가요?!

내일이면 불금입니다!
조금만 참으십시오!
전, 요즘 주말없이 지내긴 하지만
바쁘게 지내니, 딱히 힘든 것도 후딱 지나가더라구요
인생 뭐 있나요?!
건강하게, 행복하게 잘 살면 되는 것이지요.
오늘도 여러분을 위한
좋은 음악을 리스트에 모셔왔습니다!
좋은 감상이 되시기를 바랍니다 ♥

Queen Naija - Karma (From Capitol Records Studio A)(2018.06.29)
장르, 알앤비/소울
I held you down for the longest and I was with you at all your darkest moments
feels just like yesterday when we were homeless
Got you some bread and start treating me bogus
Talking bout'you wanted something new
like I wasn't good enough for you
Guess you done caught you a case of amnesia
Maybe you should take a look in your rear view
Cause obviously you forgot all the times that I held you when you cried
And don't you remember that even if you was in the wrong I stood by your side
No I guess not
I guess not
Cause you let them thats take my spot
Congratulations to you
What you wanted is what you got now
You don't gotta worry bout me
Made it clear that you're unhappy yeah
Go ahead and have your fun now
Just remember what goes around comes around
You don't gotta worry bout me
Made it clear that you're unhappy yeah
Gp ahead and have your fun now
just remember what goes around comes around
I remember when you said that you could have somebody better
And I can't even lie to you it really messed my head up
Had me liking in the mirror Disgusted with my self
Wishing that I looked like someone else
Like the girls you like on Instagram
And you really had the nerve to call me insecure
Maybe it wasn't you maybe it's true I didn't know my worth
Maybe maybe I should have loved me first
Maybe maybe I should have loved me first
You don't gotta worry bout me
Made it clear that you're unhappy yeah
Go ahead and have fun now
Just remember what goes around
comes around You don't gotta worry bout me
Made it clear that you're unhappy yeah
Go ahead and have your fun now
Just remember what goes around comes around come around
What goes around it comes around aye
What goes around it comes around aye
꼭! 끝까지 들어보세요!♥
추천속의 추천!!!♬
새로운 신예!!!!
아직 구독자가 2만 밖에 안되는...
곧 멋지게 성공할!! 아티스트!!!
가사가 심금을 울리네요...ㅠ

JHart - Father's Son (Official Video)
제임스, 에이브러하트(*1988)
영국의 싱어송라이터이자 프로듀서 및 편곡자
Hate to say you were right, 미안하지만 네 말이 맞다고 하기 싫어,
But sometimes I see my shadow on the wall at night, 하지만 가끔 밤에 벽에 내 그림자를 보여,
Its your shape and height, 너의 형상과 키야
Mmhmm, and I hear your voice remind me to turn out the light 음, 그리고 불을 끄라고 말하는 네 목소리가 들려
when you’re young, you got time 어릴 때, 시간이 많아
to waste looking away just to not to see eye to eye, 눈을 피하기 위해 눈을 마주 보지 않으려고 먼 곳을 바라보는 데 시간을 낭비해
Tattoos and hair dye, 문신과 머리 염색
Mmhmm, like it won’t end up the same gray that I saw the last time we facetimed, 음, 마치 마지막으로 우리가 화상 통화한 때와 같은 회색이 아닐 것 같아
Look all that I’ve done 내가 한 모든 일을 봐봐
To cut all the ties, that tie both of us, 우리 둘 다를 묶어 놓는 그 끈을 자르려고 한 모든 일을,
But that’s the thing about blood, 하지만 혈은 그런 게야
There’s no part of you that I could outrun, 내가 따라갈 수 없는 네 일부는 없어
One day I’ll wake up with all the same lines, in all the same places, 어느 날 나는 모든 같은 줄무늬와 같은 곳에서 깨어날 거야
I’ll pass on your perfect imperfect advice, when I didn’t take it, 네 완벽하지만 불완전한 조언을 넘기겠지, 내가 따르지 않았던 조언을
How is it that boys become their father’s son? 어떻게 남자아이가 아버지의 아들이 되는 걸까?
Fathers, father’s son 아버지, 아버지의 아들
Fathers, fathers, 아버지, 아버지
Learn as they go, 배워가며 가,
What to say to a boy dressing up in his mum’s clothes 어머니 옷을 입고 화장하고 싶은 소년에게 어떻게 말할지,
to kick out or hold close, 떠나가거나 가까이 있을지,
Mmm and sometimes what I got was not what I needed the most, 음, 가끔 내가 얻은 게 제일 필요한 게 아니었을 때도 있지만,
but I’ve grown , 나는 성장했어
Look all that I’ve done 내가 한 모든 일을 봐봐
To cut all the ties, that tie both of us, 우리 둘 다를 묶어 놓는 그 끈을 자르려고 한 모든 일을,
But that’s the thing about blood, 하지만 혈은 그런 게야,
There’s no part of you that I could outrun, 내가 따라갈 수 없는 네 일부는 없어
One day I’ll wake up with all the same lines, in all the same places, 어느 날 나는 모든 같은 줄무의와 같은 곳에서 깨어날 거야,
I’ll pass on your perfect imperfect advice, when I didn’t take it, 네 완벽하지만 불완전한 조언을 넘기겠지, 내가 따르지 않았던 조언을
How is it that boys become their father’s son? 어떻게 남자 아이가 아버지의 아들이 되는 걸까?
Fathers, father’s son 아버지, 아버지의 아들
Fathers, father’s son 아버지, 아버지의 아들
Phoebe Hall, Larkins - Pulling Me Back (Official Video)
You’ve been on my mind again
100 miles away but you’re online again
You say you don't need a friend
Scared you’ll never let you be yourself again
Oh I've been hesitating
Why are we gravitating
Oh I’ve I been so frustrated
I know
You know
Non stop communicating
So close like we've been dating
It’s hard when I’m left waiting
I know
You know
I hear your name
I give you take
My breath away
You keep pulling me back
I know it’s wrong
You’re all I want
I can’t stay strong
You keep pulling me back
You’ve been on my mind again
Feel guilty giving you all of my time again
Somebody else is helping me to mend
Why can’t you be happy I’ve been feeling right again
(Why can’t you be happy)
You know my lips you’rе always speaking
Rent free you're nеver leaving
You say shit while she’s sleeping
Don't say that dont say that
Don't say that dont say that
You say platonics kinda boring
But you'll break it if you force it
Your dreams are just a drawing
Don't say that dont say that
Don't say that dont say that
I hear your name
I give you take
My breath away
You keep pulling me back
I know it’s wrong
You’re all I want
I can't stay strong
You keep pulling me back
We get thrown off course
Everytime we talk
If you start I’ll walk
Don't say that
Don't say that
Something’s got to change
Please dont look that way
If we feel the same
Don't say that
Don't say that
I hear your name
I give you take
My breath away
You keep pulling me back
I know it’s wrong
You’re all I want
I can't stay strong
You keep pulling me back
You keep pilling me
You keep pulling me back
You keep pilling me
You keep pulling me back
You keep pulling me
You keep pulling me back
You keep pilling me
You keep pulling me back
식케이(Sik-K) ‘PLUTO PLUTo PLUto PLuto Pluto’ Official MV
TANAKA(다나카) - 워워워 (Prod by. D-Hack) Official Music Video
작사, 디핵(D-Hack), HOOSHI(후시), 다나카
작곡, 디핵(D-Hack), 다나카
또 방안에 나 혼자
익숙함은 왜일까
나 빼고 다 즐거운가 봐
내 손안에 전화가
어른이 되었나 봐
더 이상 울지를 않아
daremo 내게로
전화를 한다면
난 바로 멋진 옷을 입고
나갔을 텐데
나 지금 외로워
나 지금 서러워
daremo inai
sekai에 la la la la la
아직은 어려서
사랑은 무서워
demo 혼자 있는 밤은 지겨워
네 시간에 나까지만
담아주면 안 될까
hitori wa 지겹단 말이야
daremo daredemo
내게 전활 걸어줘
나도 잘 놀 수 있단 말이야
Jinsei wa 혼자 왔다가 혼자 간다고
demo sa
오늘 밤은 혼자 있기 싫어 난
나 지금 외로워
나 지금 서러워
daremo inai
sekai에 la la la la la
아직은 어려서
사랑은 무서워
demo 혼자 있는 밤은 지겨워
나 지금 외로워
나 지금 서러워
daremo inai
sekai에 la la la la la
아직은 어려서
사랑은 무서워
demo 혼자 있는 밤은 지겨워

오늘 하루도 수고 많으셨습니다!
즐거운 감상되시길 바랍니다!

항상 방문 감사합니다
구독과 좋아요♥ 부탁드립니다
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