◈21세기 문방구◈
오늘 하루도 잘 보내셨나요.
오늘은 잔잔한 음악과 함께 저녁을 잘 마무리 해보기로 합시다.
요즘 다이어리를 쓰기 시작했어요. 별거 아닌데, 그냥 한자씩 필요한 거 적으면서 소소한 일들에 대한 성취를 느끼고 있답니다. 하루에 2가지 이상을 해결해 나가면서 살고 있어요. 정말 누군가 보기에는 쉬운 일일수도 있지만, 사람마다 상황이 다른만큼 그 사소한 일의 대한 느껴지는 무게가 다를수가 있죠. 그래서 타인에 대한 이해심이 있어야 한다고 생각합니다.
타인에게 관대해지는 마음, 그리고 내 자신에게 관대해지는 마음 가끔은 필요할 것 같습니다. 스스로를 칭찬하고, 아끼는 마음 요즘 더욱더 필요할 때일 것 같습니다.
오늘 소개시켜드릴 SYML은
본명은 Brian Fennell(*1983)입니다. 미국의 싱어송라이터이고 SYML라는 이름으로 더 유명하답니다. 그는 인디 Rock- Trio 밴드 <Barcelona>의 멤버이기도 하고, 솔로로써도 활동을 열심히 하고 있습니다. 이런 연주곡의 앨범도 너무 좋은 것 같아요.
음악 중간에 빗소리 효과음도 너무 듣기 좋답니다.
"SYML- You Knew It Was Me "(EP) (2020.11.27)
그의 홈페이지
The official website of Syml.
이외에도, Brian Fennell의 음악
이 곡 처음 들었을 때, 선율이..
<콩 밭 메....는♬> 이 노래가 생각나서...ㅋㅋ 약간 씰룩 웃었습니다.
(아, 잔잔한 분위기 연출하려고 했는데, 웃기려고 하는 마음이 더 컸네요..ㅡ.ㅡ;ㅋ)
앨범<SYML> - Live from Nest Recorders (2020.02)
1. Symmetry 00:00
Come now child, the day is long
Hide not yourself from me
Angels sing the final song
Silence will turn to sleep
Take heed my son
The darkness will come
Black holes will bend the proudest ones
And change up your symmetry
Just as the night swallows the sun
I know you'll come for me
Take heed my son
The darkness will come
Take heed my son
The darkness will come
Rest now, child, the day is done
The dark comes for everything
Inside the heart of everyone
There lives infinity
2. Bed 05:19
In the still of the night
At the foot of your bed
Guess I was lost
Guess I got in over my head
Finger to lips
In the blink of an eye
I fell to my knees
I will pray to you tonight
We could fly
But you didn't wanna fall, you didn't wanna fall
We could die
But you're what I live for, you're what I live for
My skin hurts without your touch
I didn't wanna think or ask too much but I
I didn't know better
Kids in the dark
In the still of the night
Nobody around
High above the city lights
We could fly
But you didn't wanna fall, you didn't wanna fall
We could die
But you're what I live for, you're what I live for
In the still of the night
You need to believe
I will be here
Yes, I will be waiting to receive
We could fly
I will never let you fall, I'll never let you fall
We can fly
I will never let you fall, I'll never let you fall
In the still of the night
We can fly
We can fly
Guess I got in over my head
In the still of the night
We can fly
3. Everything All At Once 09:38
This is my hello
This is my clumsy goodbye
I'm putting my glass down
I wanna remember tonight
The silence felt justified
Learning your colors
The different shades of your eye
Give me your worst thought
You turn away with a sigh
You said you felt patronized
In one unending moment
You fall within my reach
I'm close enough to whisper
Hold on to me
Hold on to me
These are my burdens
This is that dark I embrace
Tell me I'm heavy
As you trace the lines on my face
They came with my fall from grace
Look at my two hands
Look at theses cracks and the holes
I am my savior
I found my truth letting go
And I've never felt so alone
In one unending moment
I fall within your reach
My song a sweet surrender
Hold on to me
Hold on to me
In one unending moment
We fall into the sea
Recall the words I gave to you
Hold on to me hold on to me hold on
I found my truth letting go
Recall the words I gave to you
Hold on to me
Hold on to me
오늘도 수고 하셨습니다.
굿밤 되세요!
Gute Nacht!
좋은 꿈 꾸세요!
Träume Süß!
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